Revenue Distributions at Rice University
Distributions are made in accordance with Rice University policy. (link to IP policy, section related to distributions of licensing revenue)
Distributions are made in the order that the revenue was received by the Office of Technology Transfer if the following conditions are met:
100% of out-of-pocket expenses associated with the protection and exploitation of the patent/software must have been recovered to the University (including fees associated with patent filing, copyright registration, continuing costs associated with licensing and commercialization of the intellectual property)
A Revenue Sharing Agreement (RSA) signed by all inventors has been submitted to the
Office of Technology Transfer. The agreement sets forth how the revenues should be
allocated among technologies (when more than one technology is licensed) and
subsequently by inventor. It is important that the distribution is equitable and
transparent – all inventors must be in agreement. The university is not a party to the
RSA and the agreement should be determined and executed separately by the
Examples of multi-technology RSAs can be found here (RSA Sample w/o Tech Breakdown)/(RSA Sample w/ Tech Breakdown), but such agreement
must include the following components:
Technology List – The specific technology or set of technologies subject to the terms of the RSA. Reference should include the Rice University Technology number (“Rice Tech ID”). In some circumstances, the technology list may be supplemented by describing how revenues from a single license transaction will be divided by identifying the appropriate licensed product.
Statement of Intent – The RSA should make a simple statement of the intent to share revenues generated through the licensing of the technology or technologies according to the specific instructions.
Disbursement Instructions – This portion of the agreement describes how the inventor share of revenues should be divided between the Rice inventors. Typically, percentages are used to describe how revenues should be divided. The inventors included in the disbursement plan must be recognized Rice University inventors of the technology or technologies.
Execution – The RSA should be signed and dated by all Rice University inventors listed on the licensed patents.
It is the responsibility of the inventor to provide updates to OTT when there are changes to their contact information or distribution status.
If an inventor wishes to waive his/her rights to a personal share of any revenues, this intent should be communicated to our office in a separate letter.

Revenue Sharing Agreement (RSA) must be on file in order for the distribution to proceed past this stage.
Questions related to the disbursement status of any Rice license can be directed to