General Instructions:

You will need to download, complete, and return the Application and Agreement forms, found at the bottom of this page. Please note that these forms will need to be signed by the Office of Sponsored Programs at Baylor. Please contact:

Leanne B. Scott, PhD
Director of Sponsored Programs
Baylor College of Medicine

A current Certificate of Insurance must also be submitted. Those requirements are detailed in the form below. NEW: Based on the directive below, a PO must accompany the user application and agreement forms. Accounts will not be activated until a PO is submitted. Please open a blanket PO for a predetermined amount that will cover BML equipment usage for the research period indicated on the agreement. Monthly quotes will not be generated by BML for the purpose of requesting a PO.

Be aware that if you are a Shared Equipment Authority (SEA) user, the forms and process will look very similar. However, these BML-specific forms must be completed separately in order to use the BML. Rachel Berins, who you may also work with through the SEA, will assist in processing your forms.

The completed documents and PO may be scanned and emailed to Rachel Berins or brought to the SEA office (not the BML) in the Space Science & Technology Bldg at 6100 Main St, Rm 015, or mailed to the SEA office at:

Rice University – BML
6100 Main St, MS686
Houston, TX 77005

All documents, PO and insurance must be in place before your account(s) will be activated/confirmed.


Relevant Forms:

External User Agreement

Standard Insurance Requirements

BCM - Payment PO Process

7.16 External User Application NP

7.16 Fee for Service Application NP