Become a User

1. Register with Rice University's Facility Online Manager.

Follow the directions at this link to create your account:

2. Fill out these forms:

a.) If you are Rice faculty, staff, or student, fill these out and submit them to Rachel Berins (

User Agreement

Information Sheet

b.) If you are an external non-profit/academic user, contact Uday Jammalamadaka directly (

However, if you are an external non-profit/academic users from Baylor College of Medicine, you can follow these instructions.

c.) If you are from a for-profit entity, please follow these instructions.

3. Schedule training for the equipment you wish to use.

Training will be by appointment only. Training requires a general safety and orientation overview. Users will be trained on equipment they desire to use. Training varies based on equipment. All users must have already taken and passed the Rice University Environmental Health & Safety General Lab Safety and Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens safety courses. Contact Uday Jammalamadaka (, (713)348-3027) to schedule your training session.