Rice User Fee: $60/hr peak, $30/hr off-peak
Non-Profit Fee: $94/hr peak, $47/hr off-peak
For Profit Fee: $300/hr peak, $150/hr off-peak
Rice Training Fee: $120/hr
Non-Profit Training Fee: $188/hr
For Profit Training Fee: $420/hr
Tecnai FT20 is a multipurpose ultra-high resolution electron microscope with a wide range of capabilities in both materials science and bio-science. It is a field emission 200kV S/TEM with an X-TWIN objective lens and high brightness field emission electron gun (FEG) optimized for analytical work. This objective lens allows a 40 degree tilt with a standard low-background double tilt holder and, with the tomography holder, allows +/-70 degrees of tilt. The instrument resolution is 2.4Å.
Tecnai FT20 is equipped with a K2 Summit camera from Gatan. A SerialEM software is installed in camera workstation for Cryo screening and auto data gathering. A standard single tilt holder, a single tilt Cryo holder (Gatan mode 626), and a TEM Liquid Microscopy Cell Holder, Poseidon Select, are available.
Training on this instrument: regular training and/or Cryo training, the later includes Cryo sample preparation, SerialEM software training, and K2 camera training.