3D Printer: Full color 3D printer
Analytical HPLC
Detection and concentration measurement of small molecules
Applied Biosystem QuantStudio 5 qPCR
ARES G2 Rheometer
BET II: Quantachrome Autosorb-iQ-MP/Kr BET Surface Analyzer
Surface analysis
BET III: Quantachrom Autosorb-iQ-MP/KR BET Surface Analyzer
BET: Quantachrome Autosorb-iQ3-MP/Kr BET Surface Analyzer
Biorad FPLC
Centrifuge JS-15R
Contact Angle/Tensiometer
All-purpose measuring device for content analog measurements and drop shape analysis.
Costech Elemental Combustion System
CryoTEM processing station
EMC Plasma Cleaner
Flow: Sony SH800 Cell Sorter- BRC
Ion Mill
IR-VASE Ellipsometer
Mech testing: Bruker PI-85L inSEM nanoindenter
Mech Testing: Hysitron TI 980 TriboIndenter
Mettler Toledo DSC5+
Microscope SEM JEOL IT800 SHL