Keck Lab: Bruker 600MHz (TCI) NEO Solution NMR
Helium-cooled TCI probe with high sensitivity (1H: S/N 8000:1)
Excitation/detection of all four nuclei (1H, 2H, 13C,15N) in one experiment
1D, 2D and 3D NMR experiments
1D 19F NMR with 1H decoupling (vice visa) is not applicable
Fully automated NMR operation by ICONNMR
Available for 24/7
Keck Lab: Bruker 500MHz (BBFO) AVIII Solution NMR
Room-temperature broadband probe for all NMR nuclei from 31P to 15N
1D and 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments
Wide temperature range
Fully automated NMR operation by ICONNMR
Available for 24/7
Keck Lab: Bruker 200MHz AVIII Solid State NMR
4mm MAS probe
About 85 mg solid sample is needed (see FAQs about solid-state NMR sample requirements)
Experiments at room temperature
Extensive manual work is required (sample insert/eject, tuning/matching, and cable switch)
BRC Lab: Bruker 600MHz (P-BBO) NEO Solution NMR
Nitrogen-cooled broadband probe for NMR nuclei in the range 31P to 15N except for the frequency range between 199Hg and 153Eu and 17O
1D and 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear experiments
1H observation with 19F decoupling (and vice-versa) is not applicable
Fully automated NMR operation by ICONNMR
Available for 24/7
BRC Lab: Bruker 600MHz (DCH) AVIII HD Solution NMR
Helium-cooled DCH probe optimized for highest 13C sensitivity, as well as very good 1H performance
1D and 2D 13C observation experiments and also inverse experiments
Fully automated NMR operation by ICONNMR
Available for 24/7