Microscope: Zeiss LSM800 Airyscan
Microscope that combines laser point-scanning confocal with super resolution
BRC 213A
Rice User Fee: $35/hr
Non-Profit Fee: $55/hr
For Profit Fee: $175/hr
Rice Training Fee: $70/hr
Non-Profit Training Fee: $110/hr
For Profit Training Fee: $350/hr
Training Contact:
A Budi Utama - budiutama@rice.edu
Faculty in Charge:
James McNew -Professor of BioSciences
This microscope is designed to combine laser point-scanning confocal with super-resolution Airyscan-1 module. The Airyscan-1 super-resolution doubles the resolution up to 120 nm from 240 nm resolution in confocal. Our Zeiss LSM800 Inverted Confocal and Airyscan super resolution microscope system is based on Axio Observer Z1 MOT. More specifications include: Useful video links for Zeiss LSM800 Airyscan: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/local/zen-knowledge-base/lsm-800-900-980.html