Nanofab Cleanroom: 3D Laser Lithography System-Photonic Professional GT
Cleanroom (Space Science basement 06)
Rice User Fee: $20/hr
Non-Profit Fee: $31.30/hr
For Profit Fee: $100/hr
Rice Training Fee: $40/hr
Non-Profit Training Fee: $62.60/hr
For Profit Training Fee: $220/hr
Training Contact:
Jing Guo, jg78@rice.edu
Carlos Gramajo, cg70@rice.edu
Nadia Pervez, np65@rice.edu
Faculty in Charge:
Rafael Verduzco (rafaelv@rice.edu)
Additive Manufacturing & Maskless Lithography in One Device
This highest resolution 3D printer enables the rapid fabrication of nano-, micro- and mesostructures with feature sizes starting from about hundred nanometers and heights up to several millimeters with layer thicknesses well below 1 μm with optical quality surfaces.
In combination with tailor-made photoresists ,hardware- and software packages, the turn-key system is embedded best along the 3D printing workflow and allows for highest resolution
with a previously unavailable freedom of design.
Subsequent independent processes enable the transfer and/or replication of polymeric 3D printed templates into a large choice of materials, including metals and semiconductors. The additive manufacturing of 2D, 2.5D and 3D objects paves the way for a wide field of novel applications, including:
• Micro-optics and photonics
• Integrated wafer-level optics
• Micro-fluidics
• Cell scaffolds / tissue engineering
• Biomimetics
• Rapid Prototyping
• Maskless Lithography
Almost arbitrarily complex shaped polymer structures with finest feature sizes in the sub-micrometer range are achieved by means of two-photon polymerization. A tremendous speed-up of the writing process is driven by an embedded ultra-high precision galvo technology, which laterally deflects the laser focus position by use of a galvanic mirror system. Thus, the fabrication of large area 3D micro- and nanostructures is now feasible in shortest time. In addition to rapid x-y-beam-scanning, a piezoelectric scanning stage provides ultra-precise x-y-z-movements of the substrate relative to the laser focus position. Speed, precision and extraordinary resolution prove these 3D printers to serve as disruptive enablers for novel applications. The table-top laser lithography systems are fully automated. An intuitive, user friendly software as integral part of an innovative workflow eases demanding tasks and secures their successful completion. Structures can either be designed in 3D printer compatible CAD software programs (Easy CAD import via DXF, STL file format) or directly implemented in Nanoscribe´s GWL scripting language. More information about the Cleanroom can be found here.