Microscope: Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan-2 Confocal
Rice User Fee: $45/hr
Non-Profit Fee: $70.50/hr
For Profit Fee: $225/hr
Rice Training Fee: $90/hr
Non-Profit Training Fee: $141/hr
For Profit Training Fee: $450/hr
Training Contact:
A. Budi Utama – Optical Imaging Facility Manager, budiutama@rice.edu or x-8232
Faculty in Charge:
James McNew -Professor of BioSciences, mcnew@rice.edu
This microscope is designed to combine laser point-scanning confocal with a super-resolution Airyscan-2 module, which allows faster and improved resolution for fixed and live-cell imaging. The Airyscan-2 module works for Single Laser Point Scanning (SR mode), Multiplex Four Laser Point Scanning (4Y), Multiplex Eight Laser Point Scanning (8Y) and Confocal Eight Laser Point Scanning (Co-8Y). Hence, it is possible to increase the scanning speed eight times faster than the regular single-point scanning speed under the Galvano scanner within the same imaging area. The Airyscan-2 super-resolution doubles up to 120 nm from 240 nm resolution in confocal. In SR mode, the resolution can be further improved to 90 nm using the ZEN3 module Airyscan Joint Deconvolution. This works in 2D and 3D images. Our Zeiss LSM980 Inverted Confocal and Airyscan-2 super-resolution microscope system is based on the AxioObserver-7 Inverted Microscope. Excitation Laser Lines: Four regular electronic solid-state laser lines (405, 488, 560, and 640 nm) and an addition of NIR 730 nm laser lines. Optics: Detectors: Others: Resources: - Useful video links for Zeiss LSM800 Airyscan: -Reading material from Zeiss LLC: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/l/campaigns/multiplex-imaging-solutions.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=C-00008031&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI87gpJPGhwMVCqiDBx1WCSZVEAAYASAAEgKM3PD_BwE