RICE > SEA > All Instruments > MISCELLANEOUS < BACK TO MISCELLANEOUS Mech Testing: Hysitron TI 980 TriboIndenter LOCATION GRB NEST 251 PRICING Rice User Fee: $20/hr Non-Profit Fee: $31.30/hr For Profit Fee: $100/hr Rice Training Fee: $40/hr Non-Profit Training Fee: $62.60/hr For Profit Training Fee: $220/hr CONTACTS Training Contact: Hua Guo (hua.guo@rice.edu) DESCRIPTION A state-of-the-art nanoindenter / SPM. Features and specs are too numerous to list - please go to the Bruker site following for more details. https://www.bruker.com/products/surface-and-dimensional-analysis/nanomechanical-test-instruments/standalone-nanomechanical-test-instruments/ti-980-triboindenter/technical-details.html Helpful Links Training & Access Forms FOM Fees Other Shared Rice Facilities Canvas "Courses" Office of Research