Space Science basement, lab 18A
Rice Consumable Fee: if applicable
Non-profit Consumable Fee: if applicable
For Profit Consumable Fee: if applicable
The drying of biological (e.g. animal and plant tissue, insects, bacteria) and non-biological samples (e.g. hydrogels, MEMS) for SEM and ToF-SIMS analysis can be prepared in the Leica EM CPD300 Critical Point Dryer, fully automatically.
This instrument is designed only for critical point drying using liquid CO2, not for any coating, wicking, or dissolving types of processes. Samples to be dried should be prepared in ethanol (preferred) or acetone only. Ethanol and acetone required for a CPD run is provided by the SEA for use with this instrument.
Preparation of Specimens: (1) Wash in a physiological salt solution, (2) Fix chemically with a suitable fixing agent, (3) Wash out fixing agent with a suitable buffer solution, (4) Dehydrate the chemically fixed specimen stepwise with acetone or ethanol.
Please note, if nanoparticle samples are run, a consumable fee of $22 will be added to the cost. This cost is to replace the filter so the CPD does not get clogged and break.
Contact Matthew Meyer (matthew.meyer@rice.edu) for training and sample preparation questions.