
Social Sciences Funding Opportunities

To help faculty develop book manuscripts and, for junior faculty, to create professional connections to scholars outside of Rice University.

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The purpose of the SSRI Collaborative Research Grant Program is to encourage collaboration of Rice Social Sciences faculty across disciplines on projects that lead to the submission, or revision and resubmission, of a competitive proposal to an external funding agency within 12 months of the end of the SSRI Collaborative Research Grant.

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The Social Sciences Research Institute awards Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DRIG) annually to support or partially support dissertation research projects proposed by graduate students in the School of Social Sciences who have completed their coursework and have advanced to candidacy or will advance to candidacy by the time the DRI awards are made.

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To support continuing education for faculty to update their methodological skills and help faculty achieve excellence in research.

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To help faculty develop book manuscripts and, for junior faculty, establish professional connections to scholars outside of Rice University.

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Aims to increase the visibility of SoSS faculty research and disseminate research more quickly. Grants are provided to defray the cost of open-access publication fees.

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The Social Sciences Research Institute provides Pre-Dissertation Research (PDR) grants support graduate students conducting preliminary research related to their dissertations so that they may prepare stronger dissertations and submit more competitive dissertation research applications to other funding sources.

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The aim is to help faculty submit competitive proposals for external funding.

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Seed Money Grants - provide funding so faculty may collect preliminary data or perform preliminary research to enable them to submit a more competitive proposal to an external funding agency.

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Aims to facilitate the professional development of non-tenure track (NTT) faculty, providing funds to present their work or participate in pedagogical committees at professional conferences.

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