Scholarly and Creative Works Subvention Fund

This call is now closed.

Fund Information:

The Office of Research, in partnership with the Schools of Architecture, Humanities, and Music have established The Scholarly and Creative Works Subvention Fund to foster the production of scholarly and creative works that enhance the reputation and quality of scholarship across the University. For the purpose of the Creative Ventures Fund, a subvention supports a work such as a book, recording, or exhibit of a faculty member’s scholarship at its advanced stages of development or production. It is important to include the estimated production, performance, or exhibit date for the subvention.

The maximum award sum is $10,000, which is awarded through a competitive review process. Please note that the committee receives many more proposals than it can fund, so the clarity and specificity of submission proposals are much appreciated. Cost-sharing with other units is encouraged. In particular, thoughtful, exact, and realistic budget proposals are valued in the review process. Full or partial awards will be selected and jointly funded by the Office of Research and the applicant School.

The funds can only be used for direct production costs. No subvention funds may be used for faculty salary, subcontracts, purchase of equipment, or reducing teaching responsibilities. Proposals with other additional funding sources will be viewed favorably.


Full-time Rice faculty members in the Schools of Architecture, Humanities, and Music are eligible to apply (tenure track faculty will be given priority). Proposals may be submitted individually or by a group of faculty. Please inform your department chair (or Dean, in single-department schools) that you have applied.

Please note that applications which are lacking documentation of the status of the project — book project, exhibition announcement or confirmation, etc.” will not be considered.

Review process:

The review of proposals will be carried out by the Executive Vice President for Research and Deans of Architecture, Humanities, and Music in the Fall and Spring.

Selection criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. The quality, significance, and potential impact of the project;
2. The contribution the project makes particularly in the following:

  • Raise Rice’s research and scholarship profile;
  • Promote Rice’s interdisciplinary activity;
  • Engage Rice’s various institutes, as appropriate;
  • Raise Rice's global visibility;
  • Engage with diverse external constituencies (e.g., Rice students, Rice alumni, the city of Houston, or others).

How to apply:

Proposals must be submitted using this webform by March 3, 2025 at 11:59pm.

Proposals must include the following in a single PDF document:

  • A single-page description of the scholarly work that includes project scope, format, and timeline; for books, these would include basic content and format info, publisher information, and a timeline;
  • A single-page budget indicating how the requested funds will be expended (as well as the identification of other funding resources supporting the request);
  • Documentation for each expense (eg: contract for publications, letters from publishers regarding expenses); letters from galleries, museums, or other committed producers etc.)
  • A curriculum vitae for each applicant of no more than three pages.