Brown Teaching Grants

The call for proposals is open from February 3, 2025 until 5:00 PM on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Proposal timeline for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Proposals are due by 5:00pm on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Fund information:

The University Committee on Teaching invites all Rice faculty members to submit grant proposals for projects that foster excellence in undergraduate teaching at Rice. Funds for these Brown Foundation Teaching grants can be used to support a variety of activities, including “seminars and other programs aimed to improve the quality of teaching, and ... studies and experimental tests of new instructional methods or programs.” In previous years, awards have ranged from a few hundred dollars to $5,000. Funding beginning the 2023-2024 cycle will allow for proposals up to $8,000.

Projects involving significant innovation and those that benefit a large number of students are strongly encouraged. In the past, awards have been made for purchase of equipment, supplies, and materials; for honoraria for outside speakers and consultants; for support of special events; for wages of individuals who assist with a project; and for reasonable costs associated with developing and teaching a new undergraduate course, except for supplements to the instructor’s salary. These grants are intended solely for the enhancement of undergraduate instruction, and not to support faculty research or graduate education.


Full-time and research faculty members at Rice are eligible to apply. Proposals may be submitted individually or by a group of faculty.

Review process:

All proposals will be evaluated at the same time by members of the University Committee on Teaching, and the committee’s recommendations will be reviewed by the Provost’s office. Funded proposals may later be made available for other Rice faculty to read.

Selection criteria:

A project will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. It must advance UNDERGRADUATE education, not faculty research or graduate education.
  2. It should be innovative and show a level of improvement over existing methods of instruction.
  3. It should impact a large number of students.
  4. Its benefits should be ongoing.
  5. It should not be for items for which the department/school/university should normally have responsibility.
  6. Matching funds or in-kind donations available from industry, museums, government are considered favorably.

How to apply:

Proposals should be prepared and documented according to the guidelines. Brown Teaching Grant proposals must be submitted in pdf format to by the deadline of 5:00pm on Monday, March 3, 2025. Please see the pdf for guidance on the proposal format. Proposals received after this will not be considered. For questions, or if receipt of your proposal has not been confirmed within 72 hours of submission, please email

Interested faculty are invited to attend a workshop held by the Center for Teaching Excellence that will provide guidance on the content of successful Brown Teaching Grant proposals and information about selection criteria. The workshop is currently scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2025 from 12-1pm, in Herring Hall 129.