Social Sciences – Faculty Research Training Grant


The primary aim of the SoSS Faculty Research Training Grant is to support continuing education so that faculty can update or expand their methodological skills and help faculty achieve excellence in research. Funds will be provided to cover costs associated with training, such as virtual or in-person workshops, webinars, and courses. Examples include ICPSR, EPIC, Statistical Horizons, CARMA, CenterStat, MPlus, RStudio Conference, APA ATIs, and Arizona Methods Workshops. Quantitative, qualitative, and any other methodological training necessary to enhance the faculty member's research are eligible.

Application Deadlines

Applications are considered on a rolling basis until the allotted funds expire.

Grant Information

Estimated Number of Grants: Contingent on available funding, but approximately 10 will be available.
Anticipated Funding Amount Per Grant: up to $5,000 per grant.


Must be a full-time Rice University tenured/tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty member in the School of Social Sciences. Awardees may only receive one Faculty Research Training grant.


Requests may be up to $5,000. The amount awarded may differ from the amount requested.

Allowable Expenses

Funds may support travel costs, workshop materials and supplies, tuition, and registration fees.

Application Procedure

Submit a completed SoSS Faculty Research Training Grant application (at the bottom of this page) at least 45 days before the training start date. The components of the application are listed below. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.

  1. A description of the training activity includes a URL to course information, proposed dates, and why the training is needed. The applicant should also explain how the training will increase excellence in their research, teaching, or both (maximum of two pages).
  2. Itemized budget and justification (maximum of one page): Include the item, cost, quantity, and justification for each item.
  3. Curriculum Vitae (maximum of two pages): Any format, including biosketches used by NSF and NIH (but limited to 2 pages), is allowed.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation will be based primarily on the need for the training and potential for achieving research excellence (or teaching excellence if the applicant is NTT faculty).

Award Terms

  1. Funding may not be used for past training events (i.e., retroactive reimbursements).
  2. Faculty who receive an award will have ten working business days from the award notification to accept it. If SSRI does not receive confirmation of acceptance within ten working business days, the faculty member will automatically forfeit the award.
  3. SSRI is not responsible for preparing and/or submitting faculty reimbursement expense reports, therefore the faculty member should work with their department administrator or coordinator on preparing and submitting their reimbursement request.
  4. Faculty who receive an award will have 30 working business days starting from the conclusion of their training event to complete and submit their reimbursement request for approval. Any reimbursement requests submitted to SSRI after 30 working business WILL NOT be reimbursed.
  5. Awards are intended for the training event for which the faculty member applied; therefore, awards are non-transferable and may not be applied to other training events other than what was listed in the awarded application.
  6. The faculty member will adhere to Rice University's Travel, Business Meeting, and Entertainment Policy (#806) and provide all required itemized receipts for each applicable expense transaction in iO. If available, the faculty member should include/attach a copy of the certificate of completion as part of the backup documentation SSRI requires to receive reimbursement.


Please contact Chris Rodriguez.