IACUC Training

In accordance with federal, state and institutional regulations and policies, all investigators and research personnel are required to complete the appropriate training courses before they are eligible to work with and have access to animals (see training requirements below). It is the investigator’s responsibility to ensure all individuals, listed on an Animal Use Protocol submitted for IACUC review and approval, are appropriately trained to conduct the procedures they will be performing in the study.

Neither IACUC approvals nor authorizations to animal areas will be granted until certification is completed.

The IACUC reviews training documentation before the initial approval of an IACUC protocol, at annual review, and when a revision is requested to add new personnel. Failure to fulfill the training requirement may delay the approval of a protocol or the approval of the individual to work with research animals. Documentation of this training can be uploaded as a pdf in the training section in the IACUC protocol, or verified by the Compliance Administrator at the time of the review of the study. When you complete all of the required modules successfully, you may print your completion report through the "Print" link on the learner’s menu. The PI on the study should keep a copy of the study researchers’ training for their records. Unsure if you have completed the training? Contact the IACUC Administrative Office to find out.

Step 1: Determine required training by group



Rice University employees and students working with laboratory, agricultural or wildlife animals

  1. Complete the online CITI training.
  2. Laboratory Safety Training Requirements.
  3. Occupational Health Requirements (Personnel working with direct contact with animals must complete):

Visitors/non-Rice personnel who will be working under the direct supervision of a Rice University certified animal user (i.e. will never contact an animal without a Rice University certified animal user present) and have already completed mandated training at their own Institution.

Submit your CITI or AAL (equivalent) training documents to IACUC Administrative Office

Visitors/non-Rice personnel who will be working under the direct supervision of a Rice University certified animal user (i.e. will never contact an animal without a Rice University certified animal user present) and have NOT completed mandated training at their own Institution.

Contact the IACUC Administrative Office for required training modules and complete the online CITI training, or complete at your own institution and submit your training documents to the IACUC Administrative Office.

Students who are part of a classroom project working with animals

Training will be covered as part of course curriculum.

Step 2: Complete required training

  • CITI Training Requirements

    You are required to complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Laboratory Animal Research training modules:

    • If you conduct studies that use lab animals, then you must complete the following courses:
      • Working with the IACUC (basic course)
      • A species-specific appropriate module(s)
    • If your species includes either rats or mice, please complete the “Reducing Pain and Distress in Lab Mice and Rats”.
    • If you have taken the Working with the IACUC training in the last three-years, please complete the “Refresher Course - Working with the IACUC” (must be completed every three years).
    • If you are an IACUC Committee Member follow the steps below however for #9 you should complete the "Essentials for IACUC Members".
  • Required Animal Use Training
  • CITI Registration and Course Completion

    Each course is comprised of several modules. You may self-enroll for the online training through Canvas Catalog at https://catalog.rice.edu/browse/sparc/courses/citi-program. Review of the required materials and completion of the quizzes will take about 30-35 minutes per module. You do not have to complete the course all in one session. A cumulative score of 80% is required to pass.

Additional Animal Training

Hands-on Training: Individuals may obtain hands-on training in animal handling, pre- and post-operative care, anesthesia usage, and other techniques. Email the Animal Resources Facility Associate Operations Director for an appointment.

Have Questions?

For questions regarding IACUC training, please contact the IACUC Administrative Office in the Office of Research Integrity.