IBC: Recombinant DNA
IBC Overview
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a standing committee at Rice University that is responsible for reviewing projects that involve, but are not limited to, synthetic and recombinant DNA, pathogens and other potentially infectious material (including tissue or samples derived from humans), and transgenic animals. The IBC also provides oversight to the intramural community in matters pertaining to the control of biohazards associated with the use of microbiological agents and their vectors. The IBC also represents the interests of the community with respect to public health and protection of the environment. Oversight by the IBC is mandated by the NIH Office of Science Policy and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines).
**Announcement: Starting in February 2025, IBC protocols will be managed in SciShield. You can access the User's Guide here. To schedule a system walkthrough, contact the IBC Administrator at ibc@rice.edu.**
Follow this link to log into the SciShield system: https://rice.scishield.com/
What does the IBC do?
- Determines appropriate safety procedures for research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids and potentially biohazardous materials
- Sets containment levels for experiments involving whole plants and animals
- Periodically reviews institutional compliance with NIH Guidelines
The IBC at Rice University
- Must be composed of a minimum of 5 members with at least 2 member not affiliated with the institution.
- Must have the appropriate expertise collectively for recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecule research, biosafety, and physical containment
- Must consist of plant and animals experts, a biosafety officer (as appropriate), and at least one representative member from the laboratory staff.
- Two (2) members must not be affiliated with Rice University who represent the interest of the surround community with respect to health and protection of the environment.
Current Roster of the Rice Institutional Biosafety Committee
Dr. Edward Nikonowicz, IBC Chairperson | BioSciences |
Petko Ivanov, Biological Safety Officer | Environmental Health & Safety |
Dr. Janet Braam, IBC Member | BioSciences |
Dr. Natasha Kirienko, IBC Member | BioSciences |
Dr. Isaac Hilton, IBC Member | Bioengineering |
Dr. Michael Diehl, IBC Member | Bioengineering |
Dr. Lauren Stadler, IBC Member | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Dr. Curtis Klages, IBC Member | Animal Resources Facility |
COMMUNITY (Non-affiliated) MEMBERS |
Dr. Scott Patlovich, UTHealth Director of Environmental Health & Safety |
Dr. Shalaka Kotkar, BCM Biological Safety Officer |
Dr. Marivonne Rodriguez, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Safety Specialist |
Rice University affirms that it has implemented the Nucleic Acid Screening Framework developed by the Office of Science and Technology policy described in section 4.4(b)(i) of the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (EO 14110).