SPARC IRB Website Page Index

IRB Overview - This page details the basis of IRB oversight, including Rice Policy and Federal regulations. It also provides a basic overview of IRB protocols.

IRB Roles & Responsibilities - This page defines the various entities associated with the IRB and their roles in the research process.

IRB Protocol Submission & Review - This page describes the process for designing, developing, and submitting an IRB protocol. It also discusses the potential for approval from other groups being required prior to initiating research.

FAQ - A list of the most frequently asked questions, along with their answers.

Training - Guidance about the requirements for training for personnel on IRB protocols and how it can be obtained.

Meeting and Deadline Calendar - Currently scheduled meetings of the IRB for the Fiscal Year, along with deadlines for protocol review for these meetings.

Forms & Guidance - A resource page linking forms that may be useful for PIs and IRB researchers, including reliance forms, non-Rice Affiliated Information forms, template documents for informed consent, and guidance about many topics in IRB research activities.

Special Topics in IRB Research - This page links to guidance documents about more complex topics in IRB research, including guidance and information about investigative drugs and devices and research with minors, pregnant subjects, or prisoners.

Classroom Activities - This page offers a form and guidance that will allow instructors to determine whether IRB oversight is necessary for their classroom activities.