Publications & Presentations

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010



Zafar, F., &; Nichol, C. (2025, April), Enhancing Environmental Science Education with Culturally Sustaining Practices: A Case Study, Roundtable presentation at 2025 American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado.

Zafar, F., &; Nichol, C. (2025, June), Insights of Using AI-Powered POWER Platform for Coaching Needs: A Case Study, Paper to be presented at 2025 ASEE Annual Conference &; Exposition, Montreal, Canada.

Zafar, F. &; Nichol, C. (2025, June), Bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into Elementary Classrooms, paper to be presented at 2025 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada.



Zafar, F., &; Nichol, C. (2024, June), Board 276: Exploring the Impact of Program Name Change on Gender Diversity in STEM, Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference &; Exposition, Portland, Oregon.10.18260/1-2--46850

Zafar, F., &; Nichol, C., &; Quinn, M. E. (2024, June), Insights from the NanoEnvironmental Engineering for Teachers (NEET) Graduate Course on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Engineering (Evaluation) Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference &; Exposition, Portland, Oregon. 10.18260/1-2—47635

Zafar, F., &; Nichol, C. (2024, December), Insights from Leading a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogical Program for High School Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science Teachers: Challenges and Opportunities in Enhancing Diversity, Poster presented at 2024 AGU Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.



Quinn, M., Templeton, B., & Nichol, C. "Reducing the gender gap in Data Science" Rice At Large, Issue 49. Fall 2023.

Henríquez Fernández, C., Barr, C., Antoine, A., Jr., Alston, C., & Nichol, C. "Long-Term Impact of Teacher Professional Development on Black Female Students’ Engagement in STEM." Journal of STEM Outreach, 6(1). January 30, 2023.

Alston, C. A., &; Zafar, F., &; Currier, S., & Dunn, K., &; Johnson, M., &; Verhofstad, S., &; Nichol, C. (2023, June), The Role of K-12 Teachers as Agents for Change (RTP), Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. 10.18260/1-2--44483

Zafar, F., &; Ramirez, R., &; Alston, C. A., &; Nichol, C. (2023, June), “Make it Be a Real School”: An Author's Perception on Community Approach for Teaching Engineering (Evaluation), Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference &; Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. 10.18260/1-2--42327



Crawford, C., and Arrazolo, L., "Tutorial Program Provides Help During Pandemic," Rice at Large, 2021, Winter Spring, Online.

Lawton, E., Obenland, C., Barr, C., Cushing, M. , and Nichol, C., "Improving High School Physics Outcomes for Young Women" Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17(1). 2021.

Crawford, C., Obenland, C., and Nichol, C., "An Analysis of the Effect of Long-Term Professional Development on Teacher Engineering Self-Efficacy and Its Impact on Classroom Instruction," Journal of STEM Outreach, 4(1). February 2021.

Antoine, A. J., Obenland, C., Ramirez, R., Barr, C., Cushing, M., and Nichol, C., "Using Science Concepts in a Mathematics Professional Development Program To Improve Student’s Standardized Test Scores," ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. Virtual. July 2021.

Larson, J., O'Donnell, M., Eustice, K., Nichol, C., Jaskie, K., Spanias, A., Farnsworth, K., and Blain Christen, J. M., "Lessons Learned from Evaluating Three Virtual Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Programs Using Common Instruments and Protocols (Evaluation)," ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. Virtual. July 2021.

Nichol, C., Crawford, C. A., Barr, C., and Cerda, I., "Long-Term Outcomes of RET Programs on Female and Minority Student High School Graduation Rates and Undergraduate STEM Major Rates (Fundamental)," ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. Virtual. July 2021.



Crawford, C., Nichol, C., Wimpelberg, R., Larson, J., and Cook-Davis, A. "WIP: Teacher Leader Engineering Network (TaLENt): A Collective Impact Model for K-12 Engineering Teacher Leaders," American Society for Engineering Education. 2020.

Obenland, C. A., Munson, A. H., and Hutchinson, J. S., "Silent Students in the Active Learning Classroom," Active Learning in College Science: The case for evidence-based practice. Ed. J. J. Mintes and E. M. Walter, Berlin: Springer Nature. 2020.

Conferences and Presentations

Lawton, E., “Identifying Core Values and the Development of Teacher Leaders,” 2020 Western Regional Noyce Conference, Portland Marriott Waterfront Downtown Conference Center. Portland, OR. February 2020.

Cerda, I., and Cushing, M. "Construct3D 2020 Rapid Prototyping and English Language Learners" 2020 Rice University, Duncan Hall at Rice University, Houston, TX. February 2020.



Antoine, A., Crawford, C., and Nichol, C., “Local High School Students Learn How Computer Science Can Improve Health," Rice At Large, 2019, Fall, 40, 7.

Crawford, C., “Bringing Cutting Edge Research into the Classroom,” Rice At Large, 2019, Fall, 40, Online.

Enemchukwu, C., Crawford, C., Mei, H, Verduzco, R. & C. Nichol, “Designing Polymers to Clean Water - Activity,”, University of Colorado Boulder, October 29, 2019.

Crawford, C. A., and Nichol, C., "Water Sustainability: Science and Engineering Activities for the High School Classroom (Resource Exchange)," ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, Florida. June 2019.

Obenland, C. A., and Nichol, C., "Grad Student STEM Share: From Pilot Program to Beyond STEM," Board #86. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, Florida. June 2019.

Obenland, C. A., and Nichol, C., "Promoting STEM Education in Community College Students via Research," Board #86. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL. June 2019.

Loyo-Rosales, J., Noravian, A., Cook-Davis, A., Obenland, C. A., and Nichol, C., "Assessing Objective Attainment in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program Focused on Community College Students." ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL. June 2019.

Cerda, I., Nichol, C., “Rice Offers Free NanoAcademies for Local Students,” Rice At Large, 2019, Spring, 39, Online.

Obenland Owens, C., and Friedmann, K., "Rice and Houston Museum of Natural Science Team Up for STEM," Rice At Large, 2019, Spring, 39, 10-11.

Conferences and Presentations

Lawton, E., “Go Speed Racer: Exploring Variables While Testing and Exploring Variables Using Candy Mobiles,” Reach for the Stars STEM Festival for Girls, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2019.

Antoine, A., and Ramirez, R. “Math For The Culture,” Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. July 2019.

Ramirez, R., and Antoine, A. “Math Is Not Hard, It’s a Challenge,” Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. July 2019.

Antoine, A., and Cushing, M. “Building Computational Thinking Classrooms,” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2019.

Antoine, A., and Goldberg, E. “Bootstrap! Video Game Design for Success in Algebra,” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2019.

Antoine, A., Harris, P., Glass, S. and Cooper-Benavides, D. “CompSci for the Culture (Panel),” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2019.

Cushing, M., and Antoine, A. “Resourcepalooza – Engaging K-5 with Computational Thinking and Computer Science,” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2019.

Nichol, C., Crawford, C., and Polan, J. “Incorporating Polymer Chemistry in Undergraduate & High School Curricula,” American Chemical Society National Meeting. Orlando, Florida. April 2019.

Antoine, A., Crawford, C. and Ramirez, R., "STEM for the Culture," 12th Annual Texas STEM Conference, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. January 2019.



Crawford, C., Principles of Biotechnology, Salem Press. 2018.

Antoine, A., "Crossing Streets," Texas Mathematics Teacher, 64(2), 33-37, 2018.

Crawford, C. A., and Nichol, C., “Nanotechnology Scavenger Hunt! - Activity,”, University of Colorado Boulder, October 26, 2018.

Nichol, C., Chow, A., and Furtwengler, S., "Year-long teacher professional development on fifth grade student science outcomes," International Journal of Science Education, October 16, 2018.

Nichol, C., Crawford, C., Loyo-Rosales, J., Chow, A., and Obenland, C., "Nanoenvironmental Engineering for Teachers," ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT. June 2018.

Conferences and Presentations

Cerda, I. “From Science Practices to Process Skills,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. November 2018.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "Algebra Gone Viral: Social Media Math 2.0," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. July 2018.

Becker, D., and Antoine, A., "The Bayou City: STEM Applications through Real-Life Connections," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. July 2018.

Cushing, M., and Antoine, A., “CS Through Computer Engineering Design: A Summer Program for K-12,” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2018.

Antoine, A., and Cushing, M. “Math != CS,” WeTeach_CS Summit, Sheraton Conference Center. Georgetown, TX. June 2018.

Antoine, K., and Antoine, A., "One Size Does Not Fit All: Teaching with Care, Culture, and Consistency," Louisiana Department of Education Teacher Leaders Summit, Morial Convention Center. New Orleans, LA. June 2018.

Antoine, A., "Inquiry in the Mathematics Classroom," Alief STEM Conference, Houston Community College - Alief Campus. Houston, TX. April 2018.

Lawton, E., “Go Speed Racer,” Reach for the Stars STEM Festival for Girls, Rice University. Houston, TX. April 2018.

Antoine, A., and Crawford, C., "AMP! Up Your STEM Classroom," 11th Annual Texas STEM Conference, Moody Garden Convention Center. Galveston, TX. February 2018.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "Algebra Gone Viral: Social Media Math 2.0," 11th Annual Texas STEM Conference, Moody Garden Convention Center. Galveston, TX. February 2018.

Becker, D., and Antoine, A., "The Bayou City: STEM Applications through Real-Life Connections," 11th Annual Texas STEM Conference, Moody Garden Convention Center. Galveston, TX. February 2018.

Cushing, M.,"Ozobots: Bringing STEM to Gotham," 11th Annual Texas STEM Conference, Moody Garden Convention Center. Galveston, TX. February 2018.



Crawford, C., Principles of Biology, Salem Press. 2017.

Cushing, M., "STEM+Sports=STEM-Letics Academy," Rice At Large, Fall, 34, 7, 2017.

Conferences and Presentations

Crawford, C., "Guess What: Reviewing for Biology EOC," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2017.

Crawford, C., and Szymczyk, "NanoSteps to Nanotechnology," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2017.

Antoine, A., "Investigation Learning and Culturally Responsive STEM," East Baton Rouge Parish Schools Science Fall Conference, East Baton Rouge Science Center. Baton Rouge, LA. November 2017.

Lawton, E., "Science and Literacy:The Dynamic Duo," Conference For The Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2017.

Antoine, A., and Wilson, C., "I Don't Know, You Tell Me: Inquiry Based Learning in the Classroom," What's Trending Conference 2017: #OwnYourLearning, Clear Creek Independent School District. League City, TX. August 2017.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "Algebra Gone Viral: Connections through Social Networking," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. July 2017.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "Nquiry with the Nspire: A Technology-Based Inquiry Learning Experience," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. July 2017.

Antoine, A., and Benzon, M., "Starting from SCRATCH," Texas Regional Collaboratives 23rd Annual Meeting, Renaissance Austin Hotel. Austin, TX. June 2017.

Cushing, M., and Cerda, I., "Ozobots: Bringing STEM to Gotham; Life Science+Earth Science Activate; With Great Science Practice Comes Great Responsibility," Texas Regional Collaboratives Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. June 2017.

Benzon, M., and Antoine, A., "Real World Financial math: A 2-Day Workshop," Texas Regional Collaboratives 23rd Annual Meeting, Renaissance Austin Hotel. Austin, TX. June 2017.

Nichol, C., Obenland, C., A., Crawford, C., and Avendano, C., "Promoting STEM Education in Community College Students via Research," Board #27. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Columbus, OH. June 2017.

Nichol, C., Chow, A., Obenland, C., A., Crawford, C., and Avendano, C., "Nanotechnology Research Experience for Teachers Enhancing STEM Education," Board #115. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Columbus, OH. June 2017.​

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "Around the World: An Algebraic Look at a Classic Yo-Yo Trick," the First Greater Houston STEM Conference, University of Houston - Clear Lake. Clear Lake, TX. March 2017.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., "What Makes a Math Person: A Look into the Growth Mindset and STEM Classroom Connections," the First Greater Houston STEM Conference, University of Houston - Clear Lake. Clear Lake, TX. March 2017.

Cushing, M., "Building Computational Thinking through Coding and Computer Science," Texas Computer Education Association Annual Conference. Austin, TX. February 2017.

Cushing, M., "Paperslide Videos," Texas STEM Conference, InterContinental Hotel. Dallas, TX. January 2017.

Antoine, A., and Crawford, C., "Heat Check: An Algebra I & and Biology Inquiry Experience," Texas STEM Conference, InterContinental Hotel. Addison, TX. January 2017.

Cushing, M., "Paperslide Videos," Harris County Department of Education Early Childhood Winter Conference. Houston, TX. January 2017.



Lawton, E., "¡Ponte los pilas! Let's Get Started," Rice At Large, Fall, 32, 4, 2016.

Hutchinson, J. S., and Obenland, C. A., “Scholarship of Teaching: Online Courses as a Means of Publishing Innovations,” Online Course Development and the Effect on the On-Campus Classroom. Ed. Sorensen, P. M., 2016. American Chemical Society. 7-20. ACS Symposium Series, August 30, 2016.

Obenland Owens, C., "Reaching Out with Research," Rice At Large, Summer, 31, 4, 2016.

Lawton, E., “Programs Empowers Elementary Science Teachers,” Rice At Large, Spring, 30, 5, 2016.

Conferences and Presentations

Crawford, C., "Going Viral," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2016.

Crawford, C., "Guess What: Reviewing for Biology EOC," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2016.

Cushing, M., "Paperslide Videos, the Power of Words in Science," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2016.

Lawton, E., Science and Literacy: the Dynamic Duo," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). San Antonio, TX. November 2016.

Antoine, A., and Antoine, K., "Heat Check: An Algebra I & and Biology Inquiry Experience," LATM/LSTA Joint STEM Conference, Baton Rouge River Center. Baton Rouge, LA. October 2016.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., “Hanging in the Balance,” Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), San Antonio Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. June 2016.

Cushing, M., "Building Computational Thinking through Coding and Computer Science, #Paperslide Videos, the Power of Words in Science," Texas Regional Collaboratives Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. June 2016.

Cushing, M., "Building Computational Thinking through Coding and Computer Science," WeTeach_CS Summit. Austin, TX. June 2016.

Antoine, A., and Crawford, C., “A New Lease on Life,” Houston STEM Education Day, George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. April 2016.

Szymczyk, A., “STEM in the Kitchen,” Houston STEM Education Day, George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. April 2016.

Cushing, M., "Augmented Science," NSTA National Conference. Nashville, TN. March 2016.

Lawton, E., “Literacy in Science,” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2016.

Antoine, A., and Becker, D., “Honey, I Shrunk the Length," Region 4 Mathematics Conference. Houston, TX. January 2016.



Owens, C., "Energized Summer Program," Rice At Large, Summer, 28, 6, 2015.

Boyd, J., Egan, S., Gonsell, L., Han, M., Kurp, P., Obenland Owens, C., Rhoades, T., Rozelle, J., Walker, T., Weinersmith, K., and Williams, M., "Summer A to Z," Rice Magazine, Summer, 22-34, 2015.

Conferences and Presentations

Antoine, A., Crawford, C., and Szymczyk, A., “Hanging in the Balance,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. November 2015.

Crawford, C., “Reviewing Biology: Can You Guess What?” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. November 2015.

Cushing, M., “Augmented Science,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. November 2015.

Lawton, E., “Innovative Teaching Strategies,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth Convention Center. Fort Worth, TX. November 2015.

Obenland, C., Chow, A., Nichol, and C., Hutchinson, J., "Rice Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching," ChemEd 2015. Kennesaw, GA. July 2015.

Obenland, C., Hutchinson, J., Tran, L., Kincaid, K., and Munson, A., "Student Centered Active Learning at Rice," ChemEd 2015. Kennesaw, GA. July 2015.

Cushing, M. "Augmented Science," Texas Regional Collaboratives (TRC) 21st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. June 2015.

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., "Innovative Teaching Strategies," Texas Regional Collaboratives (TRC) 21st Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. June 2015.

Cushing, M., "Kinetic Science," National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2015.

Lawton, E., "Teaching for Lifelong Learning: Improving the Metacognitive Skills of Students through the Use of Formative Assessments," National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2015.

Szymczyk, A., “But how did they know?: Teaching Chemistry Data-First,” National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2015.

Szymczyk, A., “Neon Art and the Atom,” National Science Teachers Association National Conference, Chicago, IL. March 2015.

Crawford, C., Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., "Teaching Biology Via Active Learning: Biology Symposium," Rice University. Houston, TX. March 2015.

Crawford, C., "Cell Structure and Function," RESST 1-Day Biology Workshop, Rice University. Houston, TX. February/March 2015.

Szymczyk, A., "But how did they know?: Teaching Chemistry Data-First," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2015.

Antoine, A., and Crawford, C., "New Lease on Life," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2015.

Crawford, C., "Reviewing Biology with Games," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2015.

Cushing, M., "Kinetic Science," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2015.

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., "Innovative Teaching Strategies," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2015.

Lawton, E., "Careers for Women in Higher Education," Texas Council of Women School Executives (TCWSE) Annual Conference. Austin, TX. January 2015.



Crawford, C., Beason, B., Eich, E., Scott, J., and Nichol, C., "Going Viral," The Science Teacher, 78(9), 51-56, 2014.

Nichol, C., Szymczyk, A., and Hutchinson, J., "Data First: Building Scientific Reasoning in AP Chemistry via the Concept Development Study Approach," Journal of Chemical Education, 91(9), 1318-1325, 2014.

Crawford, C., Nevils-Noe, G., and Szymczyk, A., "R-STEM Reaches Out," Rice at Large, Fall, 26, 4, 2014.

Chow, A., Nichol, C., and Scott, L., “Tinkering With Ways to Engage Middle School Girls in Computer Science,” Rice at Large, Winter, 23, 5, 2014.

Conferences and Presentations

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., “Looking through a Tiffany Window,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Hilton Anatole. Dallas, TX. November 2014.

Szymczyk, A., “ACT2 Presents: But how did they know?: Teaching Chemistry 'Data-First',” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Hilton Anatole. Dallas, TX. November 2014.

Szymczyk, A., “Neon Art and the Atom,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Hilton Anatole. Dallas, TX. November 2014.

Lawton, E., "Go Speed Racer," Exxon Mobile Sally Ride Science Festival for Girls, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2014.

Crawford, C., "Biomolecule Misconceptions," Texas Regional Collaborative Biology Round Robin. Austin, TX. September 2014.

Crawford, C., "Evacuate Houston! How Classification Can Save Your Life," Houston Independent School District. Houston, TX. September 2014.

Szymczyk, A., "Etch-A-Sketch," Houston Arts Partners Conference. Houston, TX. September 2014.

Crawford, C., "Biodiversity," Houston ISD 2014 Fall Secondary Science Summit: Critical Thinking in Science. Houston, TX. September 2014.

Lawton, E., "The Importance of Coaching," ConocoPhillips Applied Mathematics Program. Katy, TX. July 2014.

Crawford, C., "Schlumberger Science Teacher Academy-Tanzania," Schlumberger Excellence in Education Development. Mtwara, Tanzania. July 2014.

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., "Art and Science - Tiffany Window," Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Austin, TX. June 2014.

Crawford, C., and Eich, E., “Reviewing Biology with Games,” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2014.

Cushing, M., “Keeping it Real with Arduino Circuits,” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2014.

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., “Launching into STEM,” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2014.

Szymczyk, A., "Neon Art and the Atom," Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2014.



Nichol, C., “Teachers and Students Benefit From Biology Program at Rice," Rice at Large, Fall, 22, 5, 2013.

Scott, L., “No Teacher Left Behind,” Rice at Large, Spring, 21, 7, 2013.

Nichol, C., “Rice Partners With High School Teachers to Enrich Instruction,” Rice at Large, Winter, 20, 4, 2013.

Conferences and Presentations

Crawford, C., and Szymczyk, A., “Why does Fruit Float,” CAST Science Teachers Association of Texas. Houston, TX. November 2013.

Cushing, M., “Arduino Who? Using Microcontrollers to Explore Circuits & Programming,” STEAM Street, George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. November 2013.

Cushing, M., “Arduino Who? Using Microcontrollers to Explore Circuits & Programming,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. November 2013.

Cushing, M., “Squishy Circuits,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston, TX. November 2013.

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., “Shaping the Outcomes,” CAST Elementary Extravaganza. November 2013.

Crawford, C., and Szymczyk, A., “America’s Next Top Model Model,” Sally Ride Science Festival. Houston, TX. October 2013

Lawton, E., and Pillow, V., “Go Speed Racer,” Sally Ride Science Festival. October 2013.

Nichol, C., and Scott, L., "Spatial Thinking to Strengthen STEM Learning," ASCD Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. October 21, 2013.

Lawton, E., Pillow, V., Turley, L., and Whiteman, R., “Looking Through the Tiffany Window,” Houston Art Partners. September 2013.

Crawford, C., “What Makes a Cell?” Aldine ISD Staff Development. Houston TX. August 2013.

Crawford, C., and Dodd, J., “Using Rubrics to Assess Inquiry,” Texas Regional Conference. Austin, TX. July 2013.

Cushing, M., “Tinker Around With Us,” Texas Regional Collaboratives. 19th Annual Meeting, Renaissance Austin Hotel. Austin, TX. June 2013

Nichol, C., "Introduction to Nanotechnology," STEM 2013 Symposium, Houston Community College. Houston, TX. April 11, 2013.

Nichol, C., Adragna, G. , Demissie-Sanders, S., and Williams, S., "Nanotechnology for teachers: Integrating cutting edge research into K‐12 science classrooms," American Chemical Society Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 9, 2013.

Cushing, M., and Lawton, E., “Understanding the TEKS, 5E, and Quality Questioning,” Katy ISD Bear Creek Elementary. Katy, TX. February 2013.

Scott, L., Cushing, M. and Lawton, E., “ArtSTEM,” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2013.

Szymczyk, A., “Now Showing! Molecules in 3D!” Region 4 Science Conference. Houston, TX. February 2013.

Cushing, M., Nevils-Noe, G., Nichol, C., Scott, L., “Rice University Kid’s Learning Project,” MakerFaire, Stafford Center. Stafford, TX. January 2013.

Szymczyk, A., “The Art in Science,” Episcopal High School Speaker Series, Episcopal High School. Houston, TX. January 2013.



Diaconu, D., Radigan, J, Suskavcevic, M., and Nichol, C., “A Multi-Year Study of the Impact of the Rice Model Professional Development on Elementary Teachers,” International Journal of Science Education, 33 (6), 855-877, 2012.

Nichol, C., “Teachers as Students,” Rice at Large, Winter, 17, 6, 2012.

Conferences and Presentations

Szymczyk, A., and Adragna, G., “Elements of Success: Constructing the Periodic Table Using Guided Inquiry in a Student- Centered Classroom,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Omni Marina Hotel. Corpus Christi, TX. November 2012.

Harshaw, T., and Lawton, E., “Go! Speed Racer,” Sally Ride Science Festival, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2012.

Nichol, C., “Using Data to Inform Practice,” Texas ASCD Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. October 2012.

Nevils-Noe, G., “Force and motion: The Impish Physics Vandal,” Sally Ride Science Festival, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2012.

Szymczyk, A., “Pretty Swirly: The Science of Paper Marbling,” Sally Ride Science Festival, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2012.

Cushing, M., and Harshaw, T., “Most Important Thing,” Houston Arts Partners, University of Houston. Houston, TX. September 2012.

Lawton, E., and Cushing, M., “The Art in Science for the Elementary Grades,” Houston Arts Partners, University of Houston. Houston, TX. September 2012.

Szymczyk, A., “Art in Chemistry: Neon Art and the Atomic Model,” Houston Arts Partners, University of Houston. Houston, TX. September 2012.

Szymczyk, A., “The Art in Science for High Schools,” Houston Arts Partners, University of Houston. Houston, TX. September 2012.

Cushing, M., Lawton, E., and Harshaw, T., “Magnifying Your Perspective,” Texas Regional Collaboratives Conference, Renaissance Austin Hotel. Austin, TX. June 2012.

Szymczyk, A., and Driver, L., “Elements of Success: Constructing the Periodic Table Using Guided Inquiry in a Student-Centered Classroom,” Texas Regional Collaboratives Conference, Renaissance Austin Hotel. Austin, TX. June 2012.

Suskavcevic, M., “Standards-Aligned Inquiry-Based Physics Modules by and for the High School Physics Teachers,” National Science Teacher Association (NSTA). Indianapolis, IN. March, 2012.

Suskavcevic, M., and Nichol, C., “Building Evaluation Capacity for Professional Development Programs in Science,” National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA) Conference. Indianapolis, IN. March 2012.

Suskavcevic, M., “Conversions of and Conservation of Mechanical Energy with Poppers,” Texas Regional Collaborative Professional Development Academy: Physics Instrumentation. Austin, TX. February 2012.

Szymczyk, A., “Active Learning and Atomic Theory,” UTMB STEM 2012 Conference, Moody Gardens. Galveston, TX. January 2012.



Bagaria, H., Dean, M., Nichol, C.A., and Wong, M., “Self-assembly and nanotechnology: real-time, hands-on, and safe experiments for K-12 students,” J. Chem. Ed, 88 (5):609-614, 2011.

Cloonan, C., Andrew, J., Nichol, C., and Hutchinson, J., “A Simple System for Observing Dynamic Equilibrium via an Inquiry-Based Laboratory or Demonstration," J. Chem Ed. , 88 (7), 975-978, 2011.

Cloonan, C., Nichol, C., and Hutchinson, J., “Understanding Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Equilibrium with building blocks,” J. Chem Ed., 88 (10), 1400-1403, 2011.

Arch, L., and Nichol, C., “Exploring Earth Science Through Field Experience,” Rice at Large, Spring, 15, 6, 2011.

Conferences and Presentations

Arch, L., “Socratic Science Circles,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November, 2011.

Arch, L., and Nicholson, B., “The Power of the Prepared Environment,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Nicholson, B., and Arch, L. “Battling the Beasts of Education,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November, 2011.

Nicholson, B. “Making Art a Meaningful Part of your Science Class,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Suskavcevic, M., “Coulomb’s law through electrostatic interactions: What’s Your Sign?” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Szymczyk, A., “Conceptual Development of Atomic Theory,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November, 2011.

Szymczyk, A., “How do we know everything’s made up of atoms?” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Thompson, C. J., “Woodles: The case for Embedded Vocabulary,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Thompson, C J., “Global Climate Change for Younger Students,” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November 2011.

Webber, L., Nicholson, B., Arch, L., & Thompson, C. J., “What on Earth?” Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST). Dallas, TX. November, 2011.

Suskavcevic, M., “Same Material Different Behavior,” Sally Ride Science Festival, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2011.

Szymczyk, A., “Art in Chemistry: Paper Marbling,” Sally Ride Science Festival, Rice University. Houston, TX. October 2011.

Arch, L., and Webber, L., “Create-a-Creature,” Houston Arts Partners, Museum of Fine Arts. Houston, TX. September 2011.

Nicholson, B. “Art as an Assessment Tool in a Science Class,” Houston Arts Partners, Museum of Fine Arts. Houston,TX. September 2011.

Szymczyk, A. “Our Art in Chemistry,” Houston Arts Partners. Museum of Fine Arts. Houston, TX. September 2011.

Suskavcevic, M., Webber, L., and Nichol, C., “Rethinking Professional Development in Science for Elementary Teachers: Teacher Leadership for Sustainable Change in Science Education,” Proceedings of the NARST Conference. Orlando, FL. April 2011.

Arch, L., and Webber, L., “Small Group Success: Using Centers to Cover Content,” National Science Teachers Association National Conference (NSTA). San Francisco, CA. March 2011.

Nicholson, Brandi, Thompson, C. J. , and Webber, L. “Lasers, Craters & Taters,” National Science Teachers Association National Conference (NSTA). San Francisco, CA. March 2011.

Suskavcevic, M., Diaconu, D., and Nichol, C., “Effects of Intensive and Sustained Professional Development on Student Outcomes in Elementary Science Education,” Poster Session at the STEM Conference, Rice University. Houston, TX. February 2011.



Hutchinson, J., and Nichol, C. “Professional Development for Teachers in Nanotechnology Using Distance Learning Technologies,” J. Nano. Ed., 2, 37-47, 2010.

Hutchinson, J., and Nichol, C. “Teachers Learn New Ways of Teaching,” Rice at Large, Winter, 11, 6, 2010.

Contact Information

Telephone: (713) 348-8211
Fax: (713) 348-3825

Mailing Address

Office of STEM Engagement
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892, MS-7836
Houston, TX 77251-1892

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5615 Kirby Dr., Suite 730
Houston, TX 77005-2445