K–12 Teacher Programs

TI Workshop TI Nspire, Micro:Bits V2, and Rovers Workshop

The TI Nspire, Micro:Bits V2, and Rovers Workshop is a 1-day workshop initiative by R-STEM designed for middle and high school teachers to explore Micro V2, rovers, and their medical applications.

rem:empROJECTNSF Microelectronics Using Project-Based Learning (REM: EMProject)

The National Science Foundation REM: EMProject offers high school and community college educators a six-week summer internship at the Rice NanoFabrication Facility, providing hands-on microelectronics experience, professional development, and ongoing mentorship.

HEALHouston Environmental Action Learning

The HEAL program engages teachers in environmental action research, raising awareness of environmental issues and providing professional development in project-based learning, participatory research, and environmental curriculum enhancement.

labLaunch_K5 CS

The Launch K5 CS Program is a dynamic 3-day hybrid training initiative by R-STEM and WeTeach_CS, designed to equip elementary educators with the tools and knowledge to seamlessly integrate new Technology Applications TEKS into their curriculum.

CHANGE ResearchThe CHANGE Project

The CHANGE Project is a paid, 6-week research internship for middle and high school biology teachers that provides teachers with hands-on experiences in bioscience/bioengineering labs on the Rice University campus. Teachers with no prior research experience are encouraged to apply!

csR-STEM CS Secondary Certification Hub

The R-STEM CS Secondary Certification Hub is a 1-year long computer science certification program offered for certified K-12 educators in the Greater Houston area in partnership with WeTeach_CS.

comp classNEWT NanoEnvironmental Engineering for Teachers

The NEWT NanoEnvironmental Engineering for Teachers (NEET) course is for AP Environmental Science, Environmental Systems, and Biology/Life Sciences teachers to learn about water sustainability, Engineering Design, and Project-Based Learning. The program takes place at Rice University and provides a generous stipend for completing program requirements.

TLIIST participants gathered around table..Inclusive Learning through Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Inclusive Learning through Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (ILEEPS) is a 3-year program for high school earth science teachers to further science content knowledge and pedagogical skills of exemplary high school teachers using Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy (CSP) to enhance high school STEM teachers' cultural awareness.

RET intern presenting research at symposium.NSF Research Experience for Teachers

The NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) internships are paid internships for teachers in university research labs and fall lesson-planning workshops. Research topics include nanotechnology, water treatment, and health-related computer science. Participants receive stipends, classroom materials, and presentation training!

RET SymposiumResearch Symposium for Teachers

The Research Symposium for Teachers is an annual symposium open to K-12 teachers, instructional staff, and administrators. The symposium seeks to bridge ongoing research with the K-12 classroom, making STEM research accessible. Current interns taking part in Research Experience for Teachers (RET) present their findings and how their specific projects can be incorporated into the classroom.

REMSL ParticipantsConocoPhillips Rice Elementary Model STEM Lab

The ConocoPhillips-Rice Elementary Model STEM Lab (REMSL) is a year-long, paid professional development program for 3rd–5th grade teachers who focus on science, earth/space science, physical science, life science, and math TEKS. Participants receive professional development hours, a generous stipend, and more!

AMP! participants during a Saturday session.ConocoPhillips Rice Applied Math Program

The ConocoPhillips-Rice Applied Math Program (AMP!) is a year-long, paid professional development program that connects 6th - 8th Grade Math/Science teachers, and Algebra I/Biology teachers in unique, inquiry-based learning. Participants receive professional development hours, up to $2,000, and much more!

switch stock photoSummer Web-Based Institute for Technologies in CompSci and Healthcare

The Summer Web-Based Institute for Technologies in CompSci and Healthcare (SWITCH) is the PATHS-UP and Expeditions in Computing funded RET, free 6-week, paid virtual summer internship for computer science, technology, and programming teachers.

TLIIST participants gathered around table..Texas Leadership Initiative for Inquiry Science Teaching

The Texas Leadership Initiative for Inquiry Science Teaching (TLIIST) is a 5-year program for K-12 science teachers that serves to further science content knowledge and pedagogical skills of exemplary teachers while transforming them into effective leaders.

Contact Information

Telephone: (713) 348-8211
Fax: (713) 348-3825

Mailing Address

Office of STEM Engagement
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892, MS-7836
Houston, TX 77251-1892

Street Address

IBC Plaza Houston
5615 Kirby Dr., Suite 730
Houston, TX 77005-2445