Boilerplate Materials

Boilerplate is text that has been created for use in one document that can subsequently be re-used — sometimes “as is” and sometimes with only minor revisions — in a new document. When you prepare a new research proposal, you’ll often find that using boilerplate can save you considerable time, as it eliminates the need to write standard text from scratch. Instead, you can simply pull the information you need from the relevant boilerplate document, then tailor it as needed for use in your new research proposal.

The Office of Proposal Development has begun to generate a library of boilerplate repository; if you would like to contribute boilerplate material to the repository, or if you would like to suggest additional boilerplate topics, please contact OPD at

BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC)
Brockman Hall for Physics
Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP)
Cyberinfrastructure Facilities
Diversity and Inclusivity
Fondren Library
Gulf Coast Consortia
Ken Kennedy Institute (K2I)
Kinder Institute for Urban Research
National Academies Members
Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK)
Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship (Rice Alliance)
Rice University (updated)
Rice University Office of STEM Engagement (R-STEM)
Shared Equipment Authority (SEA)
Shared Equipment Authority (SEA) Nanofabrication Cleanroom
Texas Medical Center