Department of Defense —
National Defense Science and Engineering
Graduate Fellowship

Note to PIs:  The following program summary is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It does not replace the sponsor’s actual funding opportunity announcement. Always review the most recent version of the sponsor’s full announcement to verify that the deadline has not changed and to identify the most current program requirements.

About the fellowship

The DoD, through the Office of the Under Secretary for Research and Engineering and the military services, promotes education in science and engineering disciplines relevant to the Defense mission. One means of promoting science and engineering education is through awarding fellowships to encourage promising U.S. scientists to pursue doctoral degrees in designated research disciplines.

The DoD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program is a competitive fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. dual citizens who intend to pursue a Doctoral degree aligned to the DoD services Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) in research and development at a U.S. institution of their choice.

The NDSEG fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one of 16 supported STEM disciplines listed below.  NDSEG confers high honors upon its recipients, and allows students to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose.

  • Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Cognitive, Neural, and Behavioral Sciences
  • Computer and Computational Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Geosciences (Includes Terrain, Water, and Air)
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (Includes Undersea Systems)
  • Oceanography (Includes Ocean Acoustics, Remote Sensing, and Marine Meteorology)
  • Physics (Includes Optics)
  • Space Physics


  1. Be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (as defined below)

  2. Have completed your undergraduate studies prior to the commencement of the fellowship in September 2022

  3. Be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States

  4. Have at *least* THREE remaining years in your graduate degree program as of September 2022

  5. Be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense's Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs)

Applicants who are pursuing only a Medical Degree are not eligible for the NDSEG fellowship.

Award amount

The NDSEG Fellowship lasts for 3 years and pays for full tuition and all mandatory fees; a monthly stipend ($38,400 annually); a $5,000 travel budget over the Fellow’s tenure for professional development; and up to $1,200 a year in health insurance.

Award period

Up to 3 years.

Application deadline

November 30, 2021.

Learn more


Last updated:  July 2021.