Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science
and Technology (FINESST) —
Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program

Note to PIs: The following program summary is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It does not replace the sponsor’s actual funding opportunity announcement. Always review the most recent version of the sponsor’s full announcement to verify that the deadline has not changed and to identify the most current program requirements.

About the fellowship

The purpose of the FINESST is to provide relevant research and/or technology development project training in disciplines needed to achieve the goals of NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD). FINESST grants are for student-designed research projects that contribute to SMD's science, technology and exploration goals.


  • This call solicits proposals for research projects to be carried out by an individual future investigator pursuing Masters or PhD degrees in Earth- and space sciences-related disciplines from accredited U.S. universities.
  • By the proposal due date, the future investigator that will be listed as a participant on the proposal must have applied to, been admitted to, and/or be enrolled as a graduate student at the accredited U.S. university submitting the proposal.
  • At the time of award, the student must be enrolled as a graduate student at the U.S. University submitting the proposal.
  • A student funded by this award may not concurrently receive a Federal fellowship or traineeship nor receive a stipend from another source such as another research grant, nor be paid to conduct research (e.g., as a postdoc).
  • Students funded by a FINESST grant may receive funding for expenses not covered by this award (e.g., to purchase of equipment as opposed to stipend) and may take a hiatus to pursue other options

Award amount

$45,000 per year.

Award period

Fellowships awards are initially made for one (1) year. They may be renewed for no more than two (2) additional years, contingent upon satisfactory progress (as reflected in academic performance, research progress, and recommendation by the faculty advisor) and the availability of funds.

Application deadline

March 11, 2019.

Learn more

Visit https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/viewrepositorydocument/cmdocumentid=656748/solicitationId=%7B913A7DEE-2747-6539-130C-0AB1E2322F42%7D/viewSolicitationDocument=1/FINESST%20Amend3.pdf.

Last updated: August 1, 2019.