Rice University Research-l Listserv
Research-l is a Rice internal listserv used to communicate events, news, and updates regarding Research Administration. The listserv is available only to the Rice community.
To join the listserv visit
Note that this link may not work in Chrome. Please try using a different browser, such as Firefox or Edge, and you should be able to access it.
If you still have issues accessing this link, please email for assistance.
Health Research, Inc. (HRI) Research Administration Listserv (RESADM-L)
Send an email to LISTSERV@HRINET.ORG
In the body of your email type: SUBSCRIBE RESADM-L First Name Last Name
NIH Newsletter & Feeds
NSF News
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare Listserv
To Subscribe to the OLAW LISTSERV, send an e-mail to with the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):
Subscribe OLAW-L your name (Example: subscribe OLAW-L Joe Smith)
American Biological Safety Association
To contact the list owner, send your message to
Michigan State University – IACUC Admin