External/Internal Systems
Cayuse is a cloud-based management solution for sponsored projects. The web interface gives you access to your entire research portfolio from proposals to awards simplifying collaboration and project management. If you need access to Cayuse, please fill out New User Request Form. Need help with Cayuse? Please visit Cayuse Help Desk and Cayuse Resources.
Research Compliance System (RCS)
The Research Compliance System (RCS) is powered by IRBManager, which is the online submission, workflow, and data management system for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). RCS is a web based system, accessible anywhere with internet access, used to develop, track, and review animal and biosafety research protocols. Visit https://research.rice.edu/sparc/rcs for more information
Rice COIRM System
Rice’s COI system allows Scholars to submit their COI disclosures and take COI training, and dean’s office and central staff to access and review these disclosures. Need help with the COI system? Email conflicts@rice.edu.