Award Negotiation

OSP is responsible for negotiating the final terms and conditions of an award (Non-industry).

Regulatory Compliance

If the award has any regulatory compliance such as Human Subjects, Animal subjects, or rDNA, please visit the Research Integrity Website. The award will need protocol approval(s) and in some cases a congruency review to avoid any spending restrictions

Contract Execution

Once the negotiations are finalized the award will be given to the Grant Specialist assigned to the responsible org. An R-fund will be generated by RCA and notification sent to the PI, Department Administrator, and Grant Specialist. If this is a collaborative award which includes other institutions, industry partners or consultants/sub-award contracts and/or consulting agreements will be executed between the Contract Specialist and third-party entity. The Contract Specialist will send the PI an email requesting confirmation of the details in a Sub-out scenario.

Pre-Award/Early Setup

  • PreAward – Request spending before the official start date of the award
  • Early Setup – The PI received notification that they will be receiving the award and the contract is pending final signatures


The Office of Sponsored Projects will identify contracts subject to E-Verify. This will be noted on the award email from OSP. Rice is required to electronically verify work authorization for all employees (including students) and visiting faculty paid from or cost-shared on a Federal contract that includes the E-Verify clause.