Institutional Approvals

The following is a list of all actions that need institutional approvals:


  • All proposals are electronically approved in Cayuse. Prior to submission to the sponsor, the PI(s) must certify and the PI(s) department and school must approve each proposal.

Pre-award/Early Setup

  • All pre-award/advance spending request are submitted and approved through Cayuse SP, see instructions.

Institution Approval Form

  • This form is used for the following actions: No Cost Extension, Change in Key Personnel, Change in Scope of work, Adding a subrecipient, Expenditure for Single Item >$25K, Foreign Travel and Grant Transfers.
  • The form must be signed by the PI, Chair, Dean and OSP. The only exception is for a No Cost Extension which only requires the PI signature.

F&A Waiver Request Form

  • This form must be completed and signed by the PI, Chair, Dean and Vice Provost for Research.

PI Eligibility Request Form

  • This form must be completed and signed by the PI, Chair, Dean and Vice Provost for Research.
  • Along with a justification this form requires a copy of the CV for the requested PI.

Cost Share Form

  • This form must be completed and signed by the provider of funds used for the cost share, see the form for additional instructions and sample.